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Retired Activities Office
Subic Bay, Philppines

RAO Subic Bay is an Independent Retired Activities Coordination Office which provides vital services to U.S. military retirees living in this area, remote from any Military installation.

Authorization & Support
The RAO is authorized by SECNAVINST 5420.169J and OPNAVINST 1720.3F to tailor its services to the needs of the local retired community, and bears full responsibility for financing its operation and maintenance costs. The RAO receives the same DoD support offered to any retiree or patriotic organization.

Corrections, Additions & Deletions
This informal and unofficial information was prepared by members of the RAO who are also members of the VFW, FRA and American Legion. If you note any errors, want to contribute, or would like to see something revised, added or deleted, please pass your comments to RAO Voice or call/email the RAO Director at the address listed below.


0900 to 1500 Monday through Friday
Closed on US and Philippine Holidays


Jack Walker OR: PSC 517 Box 5000R
USMC (Ret.) FPO AP 96517
Director Phone: [+63] 47-222-2314
P.O. Box 075 Fax: [+63] 47-222-2899
Olongapo City, 2200 Philippines Email: dir@raosubic.com
Events & Activities

January NewsLetter
(January 2025)

December NewsLetter
(December 2024)


VA Outreach
January 10, 2024 (Wednesday)

RAO Subic Christmas Party 2024
December 24, 2024 (Tuesday)
New Year's Day U.S. & PHL Wed, Jan. 1
M. L. King Jr. U.S. Mon, Jan. 20
1st Phil. Republic Day PHL Thu, Jan. 23
Chinese New Year PHL Wed, Jan. 29
President's Day U.S. Mon, Feb. 17
EDSA People Power Revolution PHL Tue, Feb. 25
Eid-al-Fitr PHL Mon, March. 31
Bataan & Corregidor PHL Wed, Apr. 9
Maundy Thurs PHL Thu, April 17
Good Friday PHL Fri, April 18
Black Saturday PHL Sat, April 19
Easter Sunday PHL Sun, April 20
Phil. Labor Day PHL Thu, May. 1
U.S. Memorial Day U.S. Mon, May. 26
Eid al-Adha PHL Sat, Jun. 07
Philippine Independence Day PHL Thu, Jun. 12
U.S. Independence Day U.S. Fri, Jul. 4
Ninoy Aquino Day PHL Thu, Aug. 21
National Heroes Day PHL Mon, Aug. 25
U.S. Labor Day U.S. Mon, Sep. 1
Columbus Day U.S. Mon, Oct. 13
All Saints Day PHL Sat, Nov. 1
All Souls Day PHL Sun, Nov. 2
Veterans Day U.S. Tue, Nov. 11
Thanksgiving U.S. Thu, Nov. 27
Bonifacio Day PHL Sun, Nov. 30
Feast of the Immaculate Concepcion PHL Mon, Dec. 8
Christmas Day U.S. & PHL Thu, Dec. 25
Rizal Day PHL Tue, Dec. 30
New Year's Eve U.S. & PHL Wed, Dec. 31

  Not yet a member? Join RAO Now.

Important Announcement
Upcoming Holidays

RAO Subic Office will be closed on the following Philippine and/or U.S. Holidays below:

  • February 17, 2025 (Monday) - Presidents Days
  • February 25, 2025 (Tuesday) - EDSA People Power Revolution
  • March 31, 2025 (Monday) - Eid-al-Fitr

RAO Subic Updates
Date: 02/04/2025
What’s happening at RAO

We are happy to announce that veterans can now come to RAO to seek assistance in registering for the I D ME application. There are some very strict rules which must be followed. During the recent outreach we asked the VA rep to tutor 2 of our staff on the procedures. They did so well they assisted VA at the outreach in getting a big number of Vets registered. Now we can do it here in the office. We will begin this offering tomorrow 5 Feb from 11:00 to 14:00, also will be doing it on 6 Feb. and each Wed and Thursday until the deadline for registration is reached. A recent change to the deadline was extended to 4 March 2025.

Click here to read more.

Date: 01/28/2025
Dear Veterans and Outreach Partners

We regret to inform you that representatives from the Veterans Benefits Administration (VBA) will not be able to join the Subic outreach scheduled for tomorrow, January 29, 2025, due to unforeseen administrative orders. We sincerely apologize for this inconvenience and for any disruption this may cause to your plans.

We understand the importance of having VBA representation during this outreach and deeply regret this abrupt change. In the meantime, representatives from the VA Manila Outpatient Clinic will be present at the event as planned. They will be available to assist with your healthcare-related and administrative concerns to include inquiries on My HealtheVet and ID.me account.

Thank you for your understanding and patience as we navigate these adjustments. If you have any questions or require additional assistance, please feel free to reach out to us.

Date: 01/16/2025
Hi Guys Some Updates and Announcements

Note: Not all attending offices will be available during the entire period, so arrive early.
Embassy Outreach

  • When: January 29, 2025
  • Time: 730-1600
Note: Only US Citizens are eligible to be recruited. No current info on US Army visit.
USAF Recruting Visits
  • When: February 06, 2025
  • Where: RAO Office
USN Recruting Visits
  • When: March 11, 2025
  • Where: RAO Office

Date: 01/07/2025
2025, A New Year with Great Possibilities!

RAO closed 9th of January 2025 for U S Federal day of mourning for Former President Jimmy Carter.

RAO closed January 20 Martin Luther King Day, and also President Trump's inauguration Day celebration.

There are no currently scheduled Philippine holidays, but stand by for surprise ones.

Embassy Outreach scheduled for 29th of January, Sections in attendance, times and location not yet announced.

Tax man begins services 17 January at RAO, beginning 0800 til 1200, first come first served.

Dues for 2025, P5100 will be received until 10th of February, unpaid boxes will be closed at that time for any delinquent boxes, and mail returned to sender. Dues remitted after that date will result in issuance of a new box address, and a late fee.

Wishing all a great January!

Date: 12/24/2024
Merry Christmas

Date: 12/02/2024
Happy Thanksgiving

Closure: Nov 30 (Bonifacio Day)
Dec will be last chance for discounted dues renewal

Happy thanksgiving to the RAO family, we're thankful for every chance we got to spend with you.

Open Invitation,
The RAO is organizing a 80th anniversary, Memorial Ceremony, at the Hellship Monument adjacent to the SBMA admin building on Waterfront Rd, remembering the loss of our heroes during the sinking of the Japanese Hellships in Subic Bay, and the atrocities they went through. The ceremony will be on 13 Dec, beginning at 13:00 and expected to conclude at 15:00. Come out and learn about the Hellship events from the renowned historical experts, and mingle with the VIP’s.

Have you considered changing your family’s TRICARE health plan for 2025? Now is your opportunity. TRICARE Open Season starts today, Nov. 11, and runs through Tuesday, Dec. 10.

TRICARE Open Season is the annual period when anyone enrolled in or eligible for TRICARE Prime, the US Family Health Plan, or TRICARE Select can change their TRICARE health plan. Changes you make during open season will take effect Jan. 1, 2025.

Click here for instruction in creating ID me, for MYHEAITHE VET, living outside U.S.

Date: 11/05/2024
VA Manila Regional Office Virtual Outreach Event

Meds Help

Some of our members are running into problems getting meds now that VA is closed down. A member has forwarded the below info regarding a Dr friend of his who is interested in helping our vets. The member has known him for years and vouches for him enthusiastically!

The RAO does not know him and can't endorse but if you need help give him a try and see.


Ophthalmologist-Natural Medicine


Clinic Address: JH ORIENTAL MEDICAL CLINIC Blk 48 Lot 10 Friendship Highway Bgy Cutcut, Angeles City 2009 Pampanga

Great Information for Subic Bay Area

Making Subic Experience Awesome! SubicGo.com is a tourism portal designed for local and international tourists visiting the Subic Bay Freeport Zone.


Its official, as of today 16 August 2018, Ace/Baypointe is authorized to accept Tricare patients under the Preferred Provider category. You will have to check with the HMO office to ensure your Dr. is also on the Preferred Provider list. There are currently 31 Dr's who are, but check to be sure or you will have to pay the Dr's fees.

And oh by the way, please resist the urge to repeat the bad news bears (you know the ones who have their names stenciled on the back of their bar stool) who are spreading rumors about ACE BAYPOINTE and Medical City Clark suspending FMP due to non payment. IT DIDNT HAPPEN! Medical city Ortigas did due to non payment by FMP. Come to find out they gave FMP the wrong mailing address to which FMP mailed the payments. All is fixed now and they have withdrawn the suspension.Â

Old saying better to be quiet and be thought a fool, than opening mouth and leave no doubt.

I have taken the opportunity to compile a list of what Drs, and Specialties AT ACE BAYPOINTE, to the best of my knowledge are also certified as preferred providers. The hospital is in the process of adding to this list. As you all are aware this list changes without notice, so before getting treatment it would be to your benefit to check with the hospital HMO office to ensure the Dr you will receive treatment from is in fact still certified as preferred. The HMO can be reached at 047-250-6070 ext 283 or 507.

Name Name Specialization Specialization Gender Gender
Ablang, Alberto Mariano, MD Pediatrics, Critical Care Male
Ablang, Marietta, MD Internal Medicine, Cardiology Female
Aguila, Beverly, MD Internal Medicine, Cardiology Female
Aguila, Beverly, MD Internal Medicine, Cardiology Female
Aguilar, Rodrigo Gastronology/Int Med Male
Alconga, Rudy Pediatrics Male
Bernal, Gerald, MD Internal Medicine, Cardiology Male
Bongco, Jesusa Anesthesiology Female
Bongco, Rosario Endocrinology Male
Bustamante, Rodrick Anesthesiology Male
Calapatia, David, MD Family Medicine Male
Cepeda, Armando, MD Surgery, General Male
Cepeda, Monette, MD Neurology Female
De Castro, Felicisimo, MD Ophthalmology Male
De Castro, Ma. Gloria, MD Obstetrics & Gynecology Female
Dela Cruz, Anthony, MD Internal Medicine, Diabetology; Occupational Health Male
Dela Paz, Emmanuel, MD Orthopedics Male
DeLeon, Roberto Gen Surgery Male
Edejer, Karl Erjon, MD Anesthesiology Male
Guevara, Luis, MD Radiology Male
Hipolito, Charina Internal Medicine, Pulmonology Female
Mallari, Lourdes ENT Ear, Nose,Throat Female
Mangahas, Rolan Opthamology Male
Manuel, Jesse Jewel, MD Surgery, Orthopedic Male
Mendoza, Arturo, Jr., MD Surgery, General (Laparoscopic) Male
Ocampo, Armida, MD Internal Medicine, Pulmonology Female
Pasqual, Jeanette Orthopedics Male
Rojo, Margaret, MD Anesthesiology Female
Santos, Wilfredo, MD Surgery, General ; Surgery, Oncology Male
Soriano, Maria Agnes, MD Internal Medicine, Diabetology Female
Tablan, Apolonario Jr Urology Male
Velchez, Carlos Hematology/Int Med Male
Hipolito, Charina Internal Medicine, Pulmonology Female
Villareal, Paolo, MD Internal Medicine, Gastroenterology Male


We continue to see vets who are receiving EOB's and checks for treatment at Medical City and Baypointe (ACE). Please be aware you should not cash these checks. They should be given to the hospitals. Should you cash the check a few things can happen, 1st FMP or Tricare may demand repayment, if you don't they can notify the IRS and either a garnishment or 1099 will be received and they get their money in the end possibly including interest. It can also be placed on your credit report. Secondly, you may be refused future treatment at the hospitals as you have an outstanding balance. Worst of all we may lose the hospitals as providers for FMP or Tricare. Sure wouldn't want to be the guy who causes all your fellow vets to lose that, they might be a little pissed when they find out it was you! You know how quickly word spreads around here!


Just want to draw your attention to some very useful videos being offered for free through va by psycharmor. View their catalog at PsychoArmor Institute.

Urgent Update: Reimbursment Checks:

It appears there is a malfunction with both TRICARE and FMP regarding reimbursement checks. They incorrectly recently have been sending the checks to the veteran vice the provider. Both have been notified this is the incorrect way to handle these checks! If you receive a check for a claim that was filed by the Hospital, please do not cash it. The hospitals participation was negotiated so that the hospital would receive payment. If they do not we will lose their services. The payment must be taken to the hospital and signed over to them to be encashed.

Special thank you to police station 6 Barrio Baretto for notification of recently deceased American Citizen! Their handling of situation was extremely professional, thanks SPO De Leon.